
Showing posts from 2019


Nobody is lonely, no matter how much you pretend, this is an unconcealed truth. Under the disguise, we seek for the hour with self, but there are no such things as an ‘Hour with Self’. Every hour that we spend on self, a mastery over escapism that we have acquired over the years. Belonging is scary, it is a turmoil when left unattended. The best way to run away is to acquire the art of escapism. But there is a grim reality of this world, the fight that you fight these days is a lonesome fight. It is gruesome than the greatest wars of the world. The bloodshed of the history were heroic, some fighters were tagged as brave hearts, and they could fight with vigor because everything was at stake, the land, the territory, and the self-worth. There was no loss, if won, you would become a champion, if lost, and you become history. The wars are fought even today on the boundaries of the nation, but somehow they do not seem as heroic as what history has told us about the greatest b