The wisdom teeth

To take a tincture of drugs is an option.To smoke and feel the rush in blood is also an option.To drink a drink which lowers the intensity of struggle you feel inside your head is still another option you choose.
But what about an option you never made?What about the illusions and delusions you faced because of this option?

She stands in front of this mirror.He stands in front of that mirror.Both are keenly gazing at their reflections.It's 20th year of their life.Both look from up to down..up to down.Both talks inside their head.It's just one year year!.
But suddenly ! She starts crying.She shouts ," I never wanted to wake up from this dream".But he whispers , "it's for good,it's good to wake up from dreams which makes you illogical".
Cards of emotions were piled up when they were 16 .Emotions were on high .Reality was farce.Some chemicals inside their body used to play.They were like forced drugs injected in their body.But as you know this drugs play only till a certain age and you wake up from dream and dose of drugs.
          "PEARLS OF A WOVEN
            TEEN.IT SHINES A LOT.
             BUT SOON ,IT FADES."
And when you acquire a wisdom teeth you lose your teen.Beautiful emotions depletes.It's more painful then leaving childhood.I wish we halted at 18.Because this drug of teenage is the most effective.It attacks you in a better way ..even marijuana fails!
BUT finally  getting a teeth feels like a child oozing out of pond.You were swimming endlessly from 7-8 years(13-19) and now you are out of it.Can I get back to age of 12 .Can I become  a child?.After being addicted to drug and later getting rehabed, people get back to normal.So,after facing the drug of adolescence..can I get back to childhood?.....WISDOM TEETH ANSWER ME.


  1. After reading this romantic and inspiring, I want to be a teen again, a glorious period where innocence is not lost. first love, first crush and first kiss:)

    1. Teen, indeed is a glorius period :)
      but wait not everyone is lucky to get first kiss:P
      Thanks for the comment and appreciation and yeah CHEERS!

  2. This was one awesome post Alokita!
    That sting we feel when all grown up...wanting to get back to the good old days. Ah!
    But that every phase, you already know. These days will be missed too :)

    Great going Pal! :D

    1. Ya certainly..perhaps this is the best part of my life:)(with you guys around)
      Do I need to thank you:P

  3. mein to apka fan ho gya di.. AWSUMISTA.. :)

    1. Thanku:)
      At least someone from family is following my blog.

      P.S- speaking kiddo(ahaan! Nice name and nice blog)

  4. hmm,why one has to change with age?there are two ways looking at it,the hormonal changes that defines adult life and thinking process.we can't defy physical process but we can remain kid forever without losing innocence.the basic or true nature of human mind is a straight path and people deviate from this straight path with age based on parenting , environment or society effect that corrupts human mind to deviate from straight path.when you deviate from this straight path,you will lose innocence of kid and you habituate to master the survival of fittest principle like most of them around you.

    the study of various deviations of human mind is called human psychology coz they created a subject in order to understand and bring clarity among individuals after many could not have found word PSYCHOLOGY or PHILOSOPHY if people have led life without deviations from straight path.

    person who remains in straight path without deviation or person who is naturally human remains kid forever. i never read psychology or philosophy books,i wrote all this from my own experience coz i never deviated and am the same 2yr old kid coz i din't change over years. hmm am 25yr old now.

    to keep things simple,a person can be kid when not serious and can be wisest when dealing with serious issues. thats how one can remain kid forever.

    you can read my comment in below blog

    1. Rohan ,I totally agree with if we wish,we can save innocence forever and that way we can preserve the enthusiasm for being a child but don't you think your REALIZATION itself is a sign of being matured and now,we can just PRETEND being a child :/
      but still I appreciate what you wrote and will try my best for not being caught in survival of the fittest theory:)
      P.S- thanks for reading my post:)

  5. hmm, realization is all about knowing the character of human civilization and its ideal practices that keeps society flawless.realization is about flawless mind or flawless wisdom or flawless rationality.being kid is about whole-hearted emotions and honest feelings. innocence is about not to be able to fake emotions or character so its not pretending to be child coz its about not losing the purity of very human nature.

    on any day,when i play with my elder sister's kids,kids forget that am an adult coz am more a kid than those kids.if am pretending as a kid,kids don't like my behavior on long-term basis.

    when i was teen like you,i had lots and lots of thoughts during transition/transformation period and there was lot of inner fight to define what's right and wrong behavior.i overcame that process after spending much time alone and thinking on own instead of reading books or following know what ?its very difficult for me to mix up with people coz i din't change over years like everyone,but it keeps me happy coz i can't live fake life that is tactical,hidden intentions,etc etc....

    you need not thank me,i like writing if the post is really interesting and if i can contribute to that post.

  6. When we were kids, we wanted to grow up. And now that we've grown up, we want to be kids again.

    Ironic, isn't it?

    Well written.

    Updated my blog. Do drop by.


  7. Come to think about it, I don't remember having a wisdom teeth !!


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