Post Card

A blank page is a sheer blessing.A page with ink painted on it,gives us a miserable feeling of disgust.You want to pen down your thoughts but this  page with thousand words written on it ,gives you  a hard- knock.

But an empty street  denotes  dearth of voices.A street with voices echoing after each step gives you a feeling of hope.Because your voice,even if it echoes ,denote  loneliness .We need,we all need a few more voices to maintain the pitch and to beat the loneliness on lonely streets.

But there is a sad moment after each step we cover on streets.Two kind of people always accompany you side by side.This is like a an another classification of society.At one step,you find people with unbeatable strength to beat the level of hope and stiffness you carry inside your heart and then,their are people like a Post Card

You never know what is in the store until you open that envelope
A post- card is much like a live human being.It gives you a blank feeling and muddled thoughts.You keep on thinking about it until you don't collect strength to open ,read and ponder over the words written on it.

But then,there lies a crazy feeling of overthinking ..again!!.It was all good until you did not go through words but once those words  linger around you like a zephyr ,you relentlessly scribble your own expectations about those words in an another post card.

Therefore,once read ,a quick reply should follow.

Not only this ,the excitement inside your attains a different level when their is a matter of patience involved in it.
You never get to know an  unknown person until the next person do not bombard his thoughts on the words you ignite through your mouth and tongue.Perhaps,that is what we call conversation.
In the same manner a PostCard needs a reply wriitten in flowery language.

Once the fragrance of the flower lingers,relationship blooms!!!

A post card has a lot to tell!!


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