For all those who are desperately waiting for true  love …

Since when we attained puberty
We have constantly been facing a puberty attack called “crush”..
Countless crushes ,millions of emotions and ultimate failures.
Crush is something which fits into each and every category of  life
No matter how much he/she deny ,the geeks in your class too had a big time crush on someone (ask from me:P)
Even if we are well protected from coming into contact with those beautiful faces who ruthlessly snatches our heart for a moment, we are still faces on your television and theatre screens are designed especially for throbbing your heart and take it away for a moment but these moments repeat themselves again and again.Last time you(including I) had crush on someone was perhaps 5 hours,3 hours or 1 hour ago and we still can’t stop thinking about him/her .This feeling of falling for strangers(most of the time) is the most outlandish feeling ,even the one who could never imagine being with us(YES THE ROCKSTAR,SUPERSTARS OR FOOTBALLERS,CRICKETERS OR TOP MODELS) are not spared to play “lovegames” with us in our errotic and sensual dreams..

It is that enemy who took your concentration away which might have saved you  from failing in that physics exam because you could not concentrate  due to a sudden attack on heart by a simply 'beautiful creature' sitting next to you..
But the best part about being crushed is ‘you don’t have to think much and do calculations’ because you know ...... this is a “part time feeling” which would suddenly and certainly go away :P..and you can feel this feeling as many times you want because their no risk of ditching someone.... it is not love afterall!!(pity those who are in love relationship)
Grab it,feel it and let go!!
Crushes are stepping stones for finding our true love….with each crush we gather one or two quality which we wish to see in our beloved.
So, next time you find a crush ….trust me even if he/she doesn’t become your love but will certainly manage to become a step for "coming soon" love of your life..


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