The shopping love

"Duh! I  come here daily but All I see is her eyes staring at this GOWN,I wish I was a GOWN",Aniket shouted inside his head.


Taniya is cute,short heighted girl from from South.She lives in Delhi and works in a clinic as a Physiotherapist.
Aniket is a an Engineer and works in firm which is nearby Taniya's clinic.

Both have one thing in common! Yes! the love for shopping mall.
Taniya love shopping mall for the Gown which unfortunately is unaffordable for her and Aniket loves the mall for Taniya.Yes! TANIYA.... her eyes,hairs ,her straight nose is the few things he loves these days.

"Don't you guys offer DISCOUNT these days?"

"Yes! Sir ,we offer"

"Then please give discount on that GOWN",Aniket pleaded

"No sir,we can't offer any discount on that gown"

"Umm! Then please do one thing for me ,I am paying you for that gown.A girl comes here daily at 5 in the evening.......wait I have a picture of her,yes! Take this"

"When she come,just go and tell her that you are offering DISCOUNT on this gown  and give it to her in just 50 bugs"

"Just 50 bugs???
"Sir! She will doubt for suree! The price is  39000 and just 50 bugs???"

"Yes! Start with 39000 and with all those COUPONS,CASHBACKS and BARGAINS end it with 50"

"Ohh gawd! This is the toughest marketing task assigned to me,ok I will try!",the employee assured Aniket as she loved the spark in Aniket's eye which enlightened whenever he mentioned Taniya in their conversation.

"Hello ma'am! Do you like this dress?"
"Ya! I love it",Taniya answered with a loud,happy and still a disappointing voice as she knew it was out of her range.

"Ok! Then ma'am we are offering DISCOUNT on this gown and we have the offer of CASHBACKS too"

"50 percent DISCOUNT? Are you kidding me?"

"No ma'am it's true,you can do BARGAIN also"

"BARGAIN also?? Give me in 50 bugs then? Can you? Haha! Stop fooling me"

"Ok! Take it in 50"

"Whaaaattt? Have you lost it?"

"No ma'am ! Take this in 50"

Taniya gazed around and saw a guy staring at her.The blush was visible on his face.
Taniya took the dress and smiled back to ANIKET as Aniket was the same guy she used to stare hiding behind the gown.

This post is a part of the Save, only to Shop More! Activity by in association with .


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