
It is good when you get unexpected things in life especially for things you love to do..
 Thank you  so  much  Privy  for this beautiful  gift...

Thanks a lot  for  first  award ever...
here goes my answers:)

 What kind of genre do you love to read and what genre can you write better?

I Love everything inspirational . And inspiration is something  which can be found in any genre.So,there is no specification as such but I will still go with FICTIONAL REALITY.

And about writing ..anything that comes in mind:)

 What has been the happiest moment in your blogging journey?

aabhi  Toh ! there has not been any such big moment .But one of  my school friend once appreciated me for what I write.And blogging is like a stress relieving session for me .That's why  evermoment  I spent writing here is a biggest moment in itself:)

What’s your favourite quote? Can be from a book or otherwise.
IThere  are  many but this one   will always stay in my heart......things change frequently if we take the lightly!

· Name atleast one side effect of blogging.
it  goes  to zero when you lack a P.C or lappy:(

What is the weirdest thing you have ever done or seen in a restaurant?
ahh! paying for food which I didn't order .

If you could change one thing about a loved one, who and what would that be?
stop giving free advises:(

If you could categorize bloggers in some categories, what categories would they be?
the clear cut demarcation lies between  the ones 'who write  about themselves and the others who write about others and world around them!'.

Apart from writing, what is doing that one thing that gives you utmost satisfaction?

 dancing and studying for sure:)

If you went, invisible for a day, what fun things would you want to do?
i if I went invisible for a day  then I would love to visit all the places I have visited till now and relive the past  with the way I wish now . 

Name a book you read but wish you hadn’t wasted your time on it?
there is no such book but I will  go with my course book of PHYSICS:D.I wonder who invented this subject:P

those were my boring answers ,I hope you didn't feel like sleeping  in between:D


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