Books and beggary: a microfiction

'I want to read you but I can't ,I hate begging but I am forced,will you help me? People say you have all the answers ?' .Do you see that dim light flickering through the window of that small house? That's mine!,there is woman sitting there ,she is sick,that's my mom! ...are you even listening? ' asks Pooja to a torn book.

Book replies instantly,' Do you see me?can you read me?I am door and you are a visitor ,once you cross me successfully ,that flickering light of the window of your house will give brightness of a Sun and enlighten your small house and the sick woman will be healed'.Do you lOVE me?if yes ,never be despaired again!

This post is a part of write over the weekend,an intiative for Indian bloggers by blogadda.We give out creative writing topics each weekend for Indian bloggers.


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