Whimsical,you can say!

Did u ever think, "watching a movie" ,though purely for entertainment purpose would carry different meaning to different people and the impact of that would be greatest in India.Why India?
Well!that would be a lame question to ask especially if you are native of this country.With so many variations and diversity.wait! !"diversity within diversity",did you ever think how much "variation" and "perception" this country carries! Well! I am not an expert in Psychology at least not for coming seven to eight years but being a keen observer,perception too are built in stages.
BOLLYWOOD is perhaps unique in its own ways.Though 2 or3  handful of intelligent movies can be seen in recent years but still there is a vast difference when we compare hollywood and bollywood but I personally don't feel bad about it.Because after "doing" and "making effort" for doing things intelligently ,we all wish to watch things which are "not so intelligent" .
Bollywood movies,purely colorful,romantic,full of heavy,loud,smooth and each and every emotion being pushed into 3 hrs. Or so.Afterall,we all wish to believe things which are"unbelievable" ..that's human nature afterall!
But keeping that aside ,let's move on to CRAZY WORLD of thinking which comes after watching movies.
I love watching movie,I mean who does not but what attracts me more are the "people"watching movies.Last to last year came a "festival ",yaa every Shahrukh movie in this country is a festival.I too went to watch the same festival named JAB TAK HAI JAAN,with hope that I would sustain that jaan after watching the flick but Shahrukh doesn't seem to attract me much,I instead cared about watching people around and noticing them.While on the entrance itself,I  could see the impact.3 to 4 boys dressed "almost" like Shahrukh ,"almost" because that attire was not as expensive as Shahrukh's in the movie or may be Shahrukh too wore 'not so expensive' in the movie,who knows?:P
And their "hairs" almost matched like "Badshah khan" .
Jokes apart and coming back on the topic again ,the psychological aspect of watching a movie..after watching Shahrukh being turned into a "Bomb Specialist" because of "charming" and "alarmingly beautiful" Katrina for her "silly reason" of loosing  him (or maybe I didn't get the concept) ,many young boys after rushing to their respective home might have thought of doing the same,when their partners dumped them.

Well! That being the thoughts of  "not so educated and logical thinkers" who enjoys each and every colorful and illogical movies of India.

Now,moving on to "Intelligent" ones who try you find logic in each and everything,ignorant of the fact that "too much of logic " can  turn you into a "lame audience"  who "ALONE"  doesn't laugh  or pass a comment in a movie because that Joke in the movie seemed too 'lame' to laugh about or to the one who laughs non-stop on a serious dialogue because  that sounded like a "joke" for them!
Having said that,perception is a beautiful thing. Because if everyone starts thinking and looking with same eyes,there would be no "out of the box" thinking.Where will that stand up comedian go who are "intelligent" enough to creat "humour" out of even a "damn - serious" thing.

If there will be thousand ways of seeing a same problem,there will be thousand ways of solving them.


  1. Logical post, I could say.

    Nice perspective. I guess you could become a movie-critic. :P #JustSaying.

    P.S. I came across your blog from a mutual blogger, I guess you know who ( the one who shared this link on facebook). By the way, one question : You didn't add the followers widget. So was wondering how to follow you blog. Though I have subscribed. But still! #JustMyThoughts.

    1. Hello!
      Thanks for the appreciation:)
      But I am in love with psychology and aspire for clinical psychology:D

      Yes!I know her!
      Ohh!about follower button..I will soon update it and thanks for subscribing:)


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