
Showing posts from 2014

That Gap..

Hole,empty and space are a few words which have nothing.Nothing means a trench.It can carry two meanings.Either we can link them with an another word 'distance' because if there is a trench,gap or a hole ,then there is nothing in between and if there is nothing in between ,how do we connect? even sound needs something 'in between' to travel. Or, that gap in between 'holes','space' or 'trench' is a bridge. This bridge is a synonym of 'h umbleness','shyness ' generosity' or 'magnanimity' . 'That Gap' is a bea utiful gap. The shyness and silence which spark the flames of love between two lovers is started with 'a gap',a gap of  strange silence ,lack of words and emptyness.Slowly and slowly,this gap acts as a bridge.This bridge is built with words and little activities but 'that gap' had it's own magic. 'That gap' between elders and younger or a teacher and student is an another bea

Post Card

A blank page is a sheer blessing.A page with ink painted on it,gives us a miserable feeling of disgust.You want to pen down your thoughts but this  page with thousand words written on it ,gives you  a hard- knock. But an empty street  denotes  dearth of voices.A street with voices echoing after each step gives you a feeling of hope.Because your voice,even if it echoes ,denote  loneliness .We need,we all need a few more voices to maintain the pitch and to beat the loneliness on lonely streets. But there is a sad moment after each step we cover on streets.Two kind of people always accompany you side by side.This is like a an another classification of society.At one step,you find people with unbeatable strength to beat the level of hope and stiffness you carry inside your heart and then,their are people like a Post Card You never know what is in the store until you open that envelope A post- card is much like a live human being.It gives you a blank feeling and muddled thoughts.You kee


Cracked walls give a mini- heartattack .It reminds me of cracked moments.I ,somehow , could not paste them . Last time when I knocked at the door ,there was a wall.It shouted at me  .I did not care and  became deaf for that moment. Then,stared continously at the wall.I observed  it keenly.There were patches and holes.They reminded of the scars on my body.I tried to cover those patches with my fingers .But  wind didn't stop.It kept on blowing through those tiny holes. It reminded of my own mistakes.I cannot ever get through them.But then,there were few holes on the wall.A streak of light travelled through those holes.It reminded of my timid nature.I have never tried  to shake  hands with anonymous.These 40 years of my life was always surrounded by known faces.I was mistaken.I will let the light pass through the patches and holes of my heart.I will live now!


                   Hello Samantha!” “Hey! Hi Julie” ‘So! Samantha, what are your plans for today? All good? All planned?’ “Yeah! It is my brother’s day, I mean it’s his birthday today…so we have planned for dinner. He will be 18 now. I still can’t believe my little boy is all grown up” “Yeah! People grow Samantha; it’s a part of life” “I was six when we moved to this town. And Ethan was just three years old. Mom was a strong woman and it’s just because of her that life is all good. I hope I get a job tomorrow so that mom will not have to work anymore and Ethan becomes a Pilot as this has been the only dream of my little boy from childhood, “saying this , Samantha burst into tears and  felt something wet on her fingers. It was a dream. Crowded life with crowded emotions is what makes Samantha’s life different from others. She lives in one of the megacities of the world where most part of life is spent under roofs of artificially built atmosphere. There is


Activity: Bhumi is one of India's largest independent youth volunteer non-profit organisation. Our volunteers work amongst orphaned and underprivileged children in Chennai, Thiruvallur, Bengaluru and Chandigarh with the aim of providing children with quality education and enable them to become responsible and productive citizens of the future. The efforts of our volunteer force consisting of over 300 students and young professionals under the age of 30 benefit over 2,500 children every year. Details: 1. Kanini Computer literacy programme involving teaching of basic and advanced concepts based on the children's aptitude levels. Support: Education, Children, Environmental Conservation, Mentorship Note: Bhumi is an under-30 youth volunteer organisation, and to be able to reach out to more children, we need volunteers who can spend 2 hours every weekend to teach at an orphanage near their residence. This post is a part of BlogAdda's Bloggers Social Responsibility (BSR) in


This is a guest post by a dear friend I am thankful to her for opting my blog for the guest post sage Harman is a frugal living enthusiast, wife and mother. She runs com , a site dedicated to providing free information to consumers trying to find viable no-contract phone and internet plans. Smartphones have been around a while but it's only recently that I gave in to my whim and finally purchased one. I guess you could call me a procrastinator, although I'd like to think of myself more as a late bloomer. For some phone junkies out there, smartphones may have gotten boring and dull, but I think they're the most fascinating tech around. My smartphone has become a particular source of wonder to me as of late. If like me, you're not very technical and getting acquainted with your new phone is taking a little longer than normal, then check out these amazing things you may not know your phone can do. Tracker Locate your loved ones


The soul of life lies in everything basic,rest is how we masquerade ! Moving on with life is something we can't abstain from !.Along with the walks and runs that cover this long distance called LIFE , don't you feel few steps of  this journey always tend to push you back at the start of your journey ? Starting point of this journey were the roots   which somehow is the only thing that still provide us nourishment. Because everything which is still in it's initial stage is simpler and it's basic form and as we move it keeps on getting complicated and the best example is our Life . Maybe ! That is the reason we always start a converstaion with ,what we were in childhood? Because somehow we are not over it and our mind continously think about simpler things ,too much of complications demand  for simplicity and our ROOTS ARE SIMPLEST BUT STILL HAS A   GREAT importance. But once sand  surrounds,dryness sets in.Sands are bad because it can damage the roots. These sand

Empty vessel!

A crawling heart who wishes to fly can seldom find happiness.The oozing emotions inside your ever active body can sometimes create an empty vessel inside your eyes. This empty vessel is empty because the water inside it ,is no more. A Few days back ,I saw a lady.Lady ,with an empty vessel inside her eyes.She spoke nothing and kept mum.She was stubborn. ------------------------------------------------- I am amazed at this world.Just look at the imbalance around you.When I  used to be a student of biology,we were taught how our body is in constant effort to create a balance inside each and every organ .Maybe,that is the reason I never understood science.Because if it is always about effort,where goes the result? The imbalance lies in this society too.People say happiness is  everyone's gift..But, now I am down with dumps .Happiness is not everyone's business.It is  like a rain which showers in selected places .I wish for a day when entire world will receive drops from sky

Being Sad!

Sudden loss of a happy emotion is like a small heart attack because it takes away a bit of real you. Real you is a happy you! The sadness is a diseased version of us,isn't it? The faces around us always search for a final end and that is happiness.Sadness is just a companion in the middle of this journey.Then,why some people embrace it so tightly? Sadness can never be your best friend .So! It's better we let it go sooner. IT is that emotion which shakes us from inside so that when happy emotion touches our heart ,we start feeling that we just won a war and the result of that war is in your favour. Then! Why do people get so much sad to exprience sadness! P.S- this is my attempt to write about 12 emotions in 12 weeks and SADNESS is third emotion I am writing about!


While the whole life of humans revolves around comparison,the feeling of jealousy is a a sure short emotion.It pollutes our soul for a while and then disappears.It is a transient feeling. Everyday,I wake up to deal with it in a best way but this virus has no anti- virus.It's unbeatable.But! Atleast I try. I  AM DEDICATING A POEM TO THIS NASTY EMOTION.                     Wrap my heart with a cloth            Let this feeling get soaked           Then,I will flaunt this cloth in            Sky.           So,that when sun appears,it            makes this cloth dry.                              Close my eyes for a while.                Let this emotion fly in sky.              So,that when I command               this wind.                It makes this emotion                 disappear from the scene                            This emotion makes me                  Envy                  It creates a  cloud of                Enemy                One by one it eng

Where is your smile?

Dry leaves are like a reconteur,they tell you a lot.It  narrates a story which can activate your quiescent soul. You know how?     Dry leaves were once fresh.They had a life.But then came a quagmire ,a situation of disgust.Lot of rays from sun burnt the leaves.Now it is dry and lifeless.It can have a rancour for nature but it keeps no hate feeling against anyone because if it does that ,where will the ecstasy of escaping from this earth go? Dry leaves are thankful to Sun .The sun provided a perfect chance to it .It can escape to heaven now.And moreover,it's time for something new ,some fresh leaves to increase the beauty of nature. Where is your smile? Has it been overshadowed by  sadness? Refresh your emotions.Yes! Your emotions are dead now like a dry leaf but ...but  stop complaining.Be like the dry leaf and give oppurtunity to fresh SMILE .Give oppurtunity to  a curve which can improve the overall structure of your face because once we smile,our soul enlightens ! Where

I am Maya

Blowing dust would settle down if I knew I had water to sprinkle around.But this hope of finding water increased my thirst day by day.May be,I was blind or this dust m ade m e blind.But one day,yes one day some drops from sky touched my skin .......yes it was rain! It was rain that made the dust settle down and provided warmth to my body too! Hello! I am Maya.My life started from a bus stop. Thousands of buses passed daily and my dreams became passenger .My dreams baded me goodbye everyday and I just waved my hand wishing that some day this bus took U- turn and stopped at a place where my dreams c ould sit quietly and asked to itself,"don't you want to fly high?don't you wish to  become a reality?". Nothing seemed right.I was forced to beg on that bus stand.My dream,my voice was sold everyday on that bus only talent  became a curse for me.I cried! I yelled! But no one listened.    " SELLING YOUR MOST PRECIOUS THING TO THOSE WHO HARDLY UNDERSTAND

The shopping love

"Duh! I  come here daily but All I see is her eyes staring at this GOWN,I wish I was a GOWN",Aniket shouted inside his h ead. -------------------------------------------- Taniya is cute,short heighted girl from from South.She lives in Delhi and works in a clinic as a Physiotherapist. Aniket is a an Engineer and works in firm which is nearby Taniya's clinic. Both have one thing in common! Yes! the love for shopping mall. Taniya love shopping mall for the Gown which unfortunately is unaffordable for her and Aniket loves the mall for Taniya.Yes! TANIYA.... her eyes,hairs ,her straight nose is the few things he loves these days. ------------------------------------------------- "Don't you guys offer DISCOUNT these days?" "Yes! Sir ,we offer" "Then please give discount on that GOWN",Aniket pleaded "No sir,we can't offer any discount on that gown" "Umm! Then please do one thing for me ,I am paying you for that gown

The Blue Sky

Pictures from past carries two emotions- either they will make you feel miserable or paste a crazy smile on your fa ce Dorthy is a small town near Cityhub.It is full of sands..just sand. Me and my father moved there when I was 6.My father was a senior research fellow at Dorthy university.In those days ,I spent most part of my day staring at blue sky because that was the only thing that resembled water and life,everything else was lifeless. It was a crazy day,blue sky was lost somewhere and yellow rays of sun was visible over my head. I was feeling lonely and disgusted to find no life around.Then,a blue something peeped from the yellow rays.But it was far...very far.I wanted to reach there. I kept my PHONE in my side pocket and with a box-full of CAKE in my right hand moved out of the house. I walked,walked a lot.As I moved ,the blue sky also moved as if it wanted to take me to a place where it resided in the night time. I moved carelessly without thinking .Then suddenly ,reach


"Creation is a beautiful thing,isn't it? .I was created,you were created...we all were created! .My heart sinks for a moment when I imagine that there was no such thing as CREATION .May be when I die ,another me will be created but still, why everything  has opposites ...My body will be destroyed in few months ,I mean I will be burnt",Sheetal whispers inside her head and tears shouts on her face. With such deep thoughts and ailing body,Sheetal goes for a nap. Crazy clouds are running behind and Sheetal shouts ," what a day,what a day ,I feel like a deflated balloon not in shape but still ready to be filled with tons of  air to fly high." AND it starts raining .Rain is beautiful but it is destroying nest of a bird.Sheetal notices that ,tears and rain drops mingles.Sheetal compares the nest with her body.Creation and destruction goes hand in hand .Not everything created can provide happiness to everyone like the way it provides you.For some, creation of th

The wisdom teeth

To take a tincture of drugs is an option.To smoke and feel the rush in blood is also an option.To drink a drink which lowers the intensity of struggle you feel in side your head is still another option you choose. But what about an option you never made?What about the illusions and delusions you faced because of this option? She stands in front of this mirror.He stands in front of that mirror.Both are keenly gazing at their reflections.It's 20th year of their life.Both look from up to down..up to down.Both talks inside their head.It's just one year year!. But suddenly ! She starts crying.She shouts ," I never wanted to wake up from this dream".But he whispers , "it's for good,it's good to wake up from dreams which makes you illogical". Cards of emotions were piled up when they were 16 .Emotions were on high .Reality was farce.Some chemicals inside their body used to play.They were like forced drugs injected in their body.But as you know th


If  there is one thing which benefits you most is a book... Ask a book if it's intelligent than the book kept on that table.What would it say? will rarely reply or the chances might be nill.But the one who has never read it ,will be  certainly having an opinion for it. But as we say never judge a book by it's cover. It's been 20 years now on this earth and one who has accompanied me throughout are these books(ofcourse!sparing initial 4 years ).There are few things related to books which still baffles me.But before that let's take a quick recap of "how these books at or most of the times dominated our li fe or became more important than maa and paa". Ahh!that tender age of 4.. Ok! While we were busy tearing the pages of a blank copy..we were told to write something on it,then write more ..more and more.Then there was a 1 book..2 book ..3 book and so on. That kho-kho playground.. Now! As we grew up into an eight year child..we were busy doing kh


So!   tell me about your education ?,I mean degree/concentration? Ohh!me.. nothing special ..I have done B.A. 'Oh!B.A ..why? You opted for science na in +2 ..then  why B.A? ' saying this Aamir started laughing uncontrollably while his hands were busy operating steering of the car as he was driving it. 'Yeah man',Sanaya replied.. 'Did you flunk in +2 or what? Ohh!you might have not cleared the entrance of medical . Ohh!wait ,are u married? I mean ..what is there in life after doing B.A? 'Yeah man',Sanaya nodded again. I think B.A is perfect for girls .I mean my engineering college , girls were soooo arrogant..nothing like you *simple,quite and a perfect housewife material*.   'Yeah man,please stop the car office here' This office?why ? it's for officers'? 'Yeah man! I am an IAS officer',Sanaya  replied. And a strange sound from tyres prevailed. The tyre couldn't have chosen a better time to get punctured. S

Behind veils!

Some people have lot to offer.. Behind veils,there is this innocent heart who is very well aware of her future but still continues to give best and do best.. We all have few insecurities which baffles us and we react! But,this face hides it so well and maturity from her face provides a light to mine. She has a pure heart ,better than girls around.I have a lot to learn from her.I am amazed at her thoughts..innocent but still far-reaching.. I have lot to learn from her!

Whimsical,you can say!

Did u ever think, "watching a movie" ,though purely for entertainment purpose would carry different meaning to different people and the impact of that would be greatest in India.Why India? Well!that would be a lame question to ask especially if you are native of this country.With so many variations and diversity.wait! !"diversity within diversity",did you ever think how much "variation" and "perception" this country carries! Well! I am not an expert in Psychology at least not for coming seven to eight years but being a keen observer,perception too are built in stages. BOLLYWOOD is perhaps unique in its own ways.Though 2 or3  handful of intelligent movies can be seen in recent years but still there is a vast difference when we compare hollywood and bollywood but I personally don't feel bad about it.Because after "doing" and "making effort" for doing things intelligently ,we all wish to watch things which are "not so

Faking Good?

When I was a child ,I would comb my hair not because I wanted to look good but because they wanted me to look good. Now I am grown up and I still comb my hair(ofcourse) not because I want to look good but others w il l remark me good! Humans have got this great quality of " faking good" .We all have a little bit of fakeness in us.A  "little bit" is ok but what if a person is faking around always and it turns into a disease? Ohh God!I wonder what would happen to the soul inside? Let's enumerate few points which tells whether you are vulnerable to this disease or not? 1)Do you like to be always on the top and when you fail to be so,you start blaming situation for losing the top position? 2)Do you always want to be heard and never want to hear? 3)Do you think that in your sp ace of creativity  you rule and rest are just attempting to be close to you? 4)Do you always feel like judging people in terms of mistakes he/she has made instead of what good they ha

Books and beggary: a microfiction

' I want to read you but I can't ,I hate begging but I am forced,will you help me? People say you have all the answers ?' .Do you see that dim light flickering through the window of that small hou se? That's mine!,there is woman sitting there ,she is sick,that's my mom! ...are yo u even listening? ' asks Pooja to a torn book. Book replies instantly,' Do you see me?can you read me?I am door and you are a visitor ,once you cross me success fully , that flickering light of the window of your house will give brightness of a Sun and enlighten your small house and the sick woman will be healed'.Do you lOVE me?if yes ,never be despaired again! This post is a part of write over the weekend,an intiative for Indian bloggers by blogadda.We give out creative writing topics each weekend for Indian bloggers.


There is so much to feel and take from this earth... Sometimes,see beyond yourself... ....but why is everything moving? The beauty around earth moves , when earth moves.I want it to stay...stay for a while ...I want it to be STILL.If I can make it still,I want to be submerged in each second of stillness to experience the charm this Earth carries... Life is more than human to human relationship.Sometimes air,water and the fragrance of soil becomes my best  friend,no human is required....but only sometimes.. Hence,I need stillness. Will you become still....just for a while! If you will keep on can we talk? You are like that innocent child whom we love and want to play with but is so stubborn..... Will you stop being that... Please be still...still for a while!

All that is left behind!

How much I cried for not knowing what I actually wanted to become! With 3  cities,I can see a  growth in terms of  what I think and how I percieve others! Everything is least for now.. I have not experienced such brightness inside my head ever before . Life is good for unknown reasons! I no more face  mood swings ..

The distance look!

step by step growth happen and as we grow ...we forg et the basics! She  brought her in this world...She taught her how  to face  the coming story  of her life.. BUT as  she grew ,she forgot  the initial chapters of  the story of her life ..where maa did everything to let  her fly higher   and ..............higher.  28  years  passed  and  she got everything   wings ,wisdom  and  WORRIES. wings for flying  to  such distance that everything  left behind  were slowly and slowly damaging those  wings  and she could never get back to  living  the  aweso me life  of tender wings and innocent childhood. wisdom  of  fighting  the world but not of facing  maa ..  much that  she craved for  one look  of  maa and receiving the warmth  of her affection           Then  one day  with  all  memories intact in her mind ,she sat at the back seat of her car.. that  brightness of the  nail-polish    of  maa  sparked in her memories and she stared  at the   rear-view  mirror an


It is good when you get unexpected things in life especially for things you love to do..  Thank you  so   m uch   Privy   for this beautiful  gift... Thanks a lot  for  first  award ever... here goes  my answers:)   What kind of genre do you love to read and what genre can you write better? I Love everything inspirational . And inspiration is so mething  which can be f ound in any genre.So,there is no specification as such but I will still go with FICTIONAL REALITY. And about writing ..anything that co mes in  mind:)   What has been the happiest moment in your blogging journey? aabhi  Toh ! there has not been any such big  m oment .B ut one of   my school friend once appreciated me for what I write.And blogging is like a stress relieving session for  me . T hat's why  ever y  moment   I spent writing here is a biggest  moment in itself :) What’s your favourite quote? Can be from a book or otherwise. I There  are  many but this one   will alway